Our goal is to become

The most effective, sustainable and conveniant Growing Substrate


Production of Growing media has for decades solely focused on optimizing the output - which is still the main reason using a growing medium. At Groworld we intend to develop more than just a growing medium that will optimize the output, we want to be the best, most sustainable and most convenient growing media for vegetable production in greenhouses. Groworld intends to be the first growing medium which is carbon neutral without compromising the quality of the product. 

We are preparing to become approved for organic fruit- and vegetable production, since our growing media exclusively consist of biological material.

We have a purpose of educating growers to recycle our product by cutting it after use and apply it as soil improvement or compost. In this way we will minimize the ecological footprint and make it easy and convenient to recycle used growing media. 

Got a question about Groworld? Or you just want to talk with us.
We are always up for a conversation!