At Groworld we develop compostable growing media for green houses especially aimed for tomatoes, cucumber and strawberries.
The growing media consists of wood fibers that are applied for horticultural use. Our growing media has been tested through several tests and has been showing some very auspicious results.
The production of wood fibers is carbon neutral and made from FSC and PEFC certified woods, so it is customized for the circular bioeconomy.
Groworld has revealed good results on parameters such as roots, size of fruit, taste and more. Our products shows either better results or results at the same level as stone wool- and coconut growing media.
In the beginning of the 1970's some insulation material was discarded near a farmers field, where some grain by accident ended into it. The grains sprouted immediately and seemed to thrive. Since then stone wool has been the preferred growing medium amongst greenhouse growers.
Rock wool has proved to be a splendid growing medium through decades, but unfortunately it has an extensive CO2 emission when produced and since EU-regulations prohibits rock wool containing living root mass to dumped in landfill - the regulations calls for alternative uses.
The use of coconut-fiber as a growing substrate has been growing the last decades and the idea of using a biodegradable growing medium appealed to us. But coconut-fiber has some disadvantages - they are expensive, they emit chemicals when produced (they contain a lot of salt before processed) and it can't be produced local in Europe. We started testing out the growing in wood fibers since it is biodegrable and it has the potential to reduce the carbon emission without comprimising quality . We have had several prototypes and now we have sophisticated our growing substrates and they will be able for purchase in the season 2021/2022.
We have been testing since 2017 in several nurseries - The results reveal that the growing media is of the best quality.
The tests are still ongoing but Groworld is available - click here if you like to be a test-grower.
In addition to Groworlds beneficial growing features, it is the most sustainable growing substrate. The production emits less carbon than other growing media and it is produced from wood that originates from sustainable forest management (FSC and PEFC). Furthermore our growing media are produced as a residual product of a lumber production. In this way Groworld growing substrates are possibly the most sustainable growing media that will ever exist.