Groworld growing substrates

Frequently asked questions

What does Groworld consist of?

Groworld consist solely from fir forests that are FSC and PEFC certified for
sustainble forestry management. So we keep maintaining the forrests and
leave no ecological footprint even though our products origin from wood. 

What is Groworld

Groworld is a growth medium based on wood which is applicable with tomato, cucumber and pepper production. Groworld growing mats can be used in the same cultivation regimes as existing rock wool or coconut substrates. Groworld has been tested in several nurseries during the past three years. So far Groworld has either given better or equal results on matters regarding harvest output, fruit size and sweetness (brix value tested on tomatoes) than the best quality of rock wool and coconut fiber substrates.

Who can apply Groworld?

Groworld is applicaple with tomato- and cucumber cultures. It has been tested out in nurseries along with rockwool- and coconut cultivation regimes with splendid results.

How can my nursery benefit from using Groworld?

Groworld has better growing qualities than rockwool- and coconut substrates if growing tomato- or cucumber cultures. Groworld is as well more convenient than the rockwool- and coconut substrates since it is biodegradeble and thereby way easier to recycle. Furthermore does Groworld growing media emit almost no CO2 in it is production and does not leave any chemical waste when produced.

How much does it cost to test out Groworld

You can become a test grower free of charge if you are growing in a nursery with either tomato- or cucumber cultures. We will cover transport and grow mats - in exhange we will have data and photo-documentation on the development of the plants using Groworld. 

We jointly agree which data is to be collected during the growing season, so that they are adapted to your own data collections. We follow up regularly during the growth season either by visits (if possible) or by web meetings (if visits are not possible).


Got a question about Groworld? Or you just want to talk with us.
We are always up for a conversation!